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Workflow Infinity

Simplify and automate company communication with predefined workflows, automatic notifications and control dashboards.

Manage Attendance, Absences, Holidays and Overtime.

Presences, absences, holidays, overtime: with Workflow Infinity everything flows!

Why choose Workflow Infinity?

Download the brochure

Ease of Use

Designed to be easily usable by both collaborators and managers, the interface offerssmooth and immediate experience.

Cost Reduction

Digitize and automate workflows, completely eliminating paper communications.

Integrated Management

Perfectly integrated with other Zucchetti software and fully compatible with the terminals already in use and without interruptions.

What if I need technical support?

How can Workflow Infinity simplify the management of attendance, holidays and overtime?

How does Workflow Infinity ensure exceptional budget control and compliance?

Simplify, automate and optimize your business management with Workflow Infinity Zucchetti.

Request a free demo and find out how to revolutionize your business.